
This section describes how to deploy the VISA platform.

VISA is composed of a number of dockerised applications that are configured to work together. Orchestration of the docker containers can be done in multiple ways however we outline here the simplest way using docker-compose.

The VISA Applications are as follows:

  • VISA API Server

    The main business logic and REST API for the VISA application. Management of remote desktops is also handled here.

  • VISA Web UI

    The frontend UI based on the angular framework.

  • VISA Jupyter Proxy

    An HTTP proxy to forward requests to the JupyterLab server running on the instances

  • VISA Accounts

    The account authentication and attribute provider

  • VISA Security Groups (optional)

    A micro-service to determine security groups required for each instance. This is to be implemented by each facility to cover site-specific firewall rules.