Getting startedΒΆ

Getting VISA up and running requires a considerable amount of installation, development and configuration effort. Here we aim to provide a list of actions (documented here) that need to be done in order to get VISA fully functional.

  • Install OpenStack

    The first requirement is to get an OpenStack cluster up and running.

  • Create a virtual machine image

    A scripted process should be developed to create a virtual machine image that will be managed by VISA and deployed in OpenStack. VISA will use this image to create instances that offer Remote Desktop and JupyterLab functionality.

  • Deploy a VISA database

    A separate database server running Postgres is recommended to use with VISA.

  • Configure your SSO

    We provide the example of using Keycloak to connect to VISA.

  • Develop a VISA DB ETL process

    Data will have to be extracted from you facility systems an integrated into VISA for users to have roles and select experiments.

  • Deploy the VISA Platform

    At this stage it will not be functional, but it is recommended to get the VISA applications running using a docker-compose script that can be updated when services are added.

  • Configure the VISA Platform

    You will need to configure VISA correctly to connect to the database, OpenStack and link the different services

  • Write a VISA Accounts attribute provider and integrate this into the VISA deployment

    This will allow you to authenticate your users using your OpenID Connect SSO.

  • Add Images, Flavours and Plans to your VISA installation

    This will connect VISA to Images and Flavours in OpenStack an allow you to create instances using VISA.

At this point you should have a functional VISA platform. You can then concentrate on improving the installation. You can for example: