VISA Application Configuration

This section provides details on configuration necessary for VISA to be able to manage instances in OpenStack.

Application Credentials

For VISA to be able to manage instances using the OpenStack REST API, Application Credentials need to be created.

Under the Indentity menu of OpenStack, select Application Credentials and then Create Application Credential. This will start the process of creating and application credential for the currently selected project.

You must ensure that the roles associated to the application credential only include the member role. An admin is able to perform operations on intances in other OpenStack namespaces so care has be taken here.

Once you have created the application credential you will need to configure VISA to use both the ID and Secret associated with it.

Address Provider

VISA also has to be configured with an Address Provider. This can be found in the Networks menu of the Project in OpenStack.

VISA requires both the name and UUID of the network of a given project (the project should be coherent with the Application Credentials obtained previously).